Paragraph Pro allows all the control you ever wanted for a text stack in a light weight super efficient package.
Demo Project -includes Header Pro & Paragraph Pro For All themes and Foundation specific file (RW6)
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Paragraph Pro does something quite unique, thanks to the power of stacks 3.
By making extensive use of Child stacks, only the code you use is added to your page. As normal text, it is pure CSS.
If, however you want to take advantage of the additional features like Drop Captials, Read More and Inline Images then these are added with a simple click of the plus button.
Then, and only then, is the additional javascript needed added to your page. Even then, the JS libraries are only added once per page and shared between all instances of the stack.
Simple (2 way) and advanced (4 way) responsive size control means that your typography is always optimally displayed.
Easily adjust character and word spacing to correct for font display inadequacies. Adjust line-heights to correct for font baseline errors.
Easily apply page wide adjustments for vertical rhythm page wide using a single stack.
Flow text over multiple columns. Lots of responsive options and layout possibilities.
Support for default theme fonts, Google fonts or Web Fonts. This is the first stack enabled for the new Font Vaults.
Add a schema description for your content to help with SEO. See for more information.
Add drop capital letters to your text with one easy click. You can use a different font for the drop cap and control every aspect of its appearance, position and type face.
Add a readmore control to collapse a paragraph and enable a link to show and hide it. Lots of styling options and font-awesome icons.
Add floating images with lots of responsive control. Options to stack and re-scale for mobile. Easy CMS controllable.