Requires Stacks 3.5+

Requires ProStyles 3.0

  • Updated to take advantage of Stacks 3.5 improved speed.
  • The background, overlay and borders child stacks now use ProStyles 3

IMPORTANT: You will need to restart RW after this update.

The existing background, overlay and borders stacks will continue to work and DO NOT need to be swapped for ProStyles backgrounds. They too have been updated to use the new Stacks 3.5 preprocessor and so there is no penalty for leaving them as they are. 

The only difference between the Sections Backgrounds (now marked Legacy) and the ProStyles backgrounds is that the latter can also be used with SectionsBox and BluePrint. The change simply means that the child stacks can now be dragged or copied between different stack types for greater flexibility.

Once RapidWeaver has been restarted, your existing projects should work just as before with no changes necessary but please note that backgrounds may disappear until RapidWeaver has been restarted. 


  • New lazy load for background videos.
  • Re-arranged some of the settings (nothing is removed).
  • Compatible with Visilok, Agent and other php based stacks that may remove HTML code.
  • New page scoped controls for hiding images, margins and child stacks (Change in 1 stack and they will all update) this saves time and hiding a lot of images improves stacks edit mode a lot. Here are the new controls:

NEW Background Overlay and Borders functionality:

  • SectionsPro now uses the same ProStyles child stacks that SectionsBox & BluePrint. This means that they are drag and drop interchangeable.
  • Existing background and overlay child stacks will continue to work.